Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Days 5-9 of The 10-day Real Food Pledge were a bust! Not a total bust, but little things here and there to get me through the week! Unfortunately I think a lack of planning did me in! I might just have to start my 10 days over!

Real Food Update

Day 4 of The Real Food Challenge! Feeling a little blah today, run down and tired, but that could just be cause its Friday...Today's plan: oatmeal with almond milk for breakfast, leftover 4 bean chili for lunch and homemade spaghetti sauce with whole wheat pasta for dinner, snacks: apple and almonds or Triscuits and sharp cheddar cheese!

Day 5 and beyond...I messed up the last couple of days, just too much going on and not enough planning! It hasn't been a total bust, but things here and there, a cookie on Saturday, a pop on Sunday, a couple of french fries on Monday, and a premade veggie burger last night (Tuesday)...I'm thinking about redoing those days or maybe just restarting the 10 days. It's not so easy when you're trying to work and take care of a family! I think the blog author must be a stay at home mom otherwise I don't know how you could be completely successful!

Thursday, August 5, 2010


One definite upside to eating "real" can eat less and feel full for longer! It doesn't take as much food to satisfy and I'm not hungry as often:)

Read Food Challenge Day 3

Day 3 of the challenge...feeling less "addicted" today as thoughts of Pepsi One fade away:) Today's plan: homemade banana bread and a banana for bfast, natural PB and real fruit spread (strawberry) on whole wheat bread for lunch with carrots and cucumbers on the side and leftover 4 bean chili and baked potatoes for dinner, snacks: apple or crackers and cheese! Not bad, not bad at all!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Eye Opening

Discovered that sometimes the simple answer is the better (and cheaper) answer. While researching the rules and creating a shopping list, I realized that Plain Triscuits (3 ingredients) are a much less complicated choice than Kashi Heart to Heart Whole Grain Original Crackers (14 ingredients). The nutrition labels read about the same in terms of calories, fat and carbs, except that Kashi claims their crackers have more health benefits, but that also means they are more processed to include ingredients you wouldn't normally find in whole wheat crackers. Hmmm...something to think about the next time you see a Kashi commericial.

Read Food Challenge Day 1 & 2

Real Food Challenge Day 1...No Diet Pepsi today and avoiding the pizza at work:( Otherwise it will be a good day! Plain oatmeal with cinnamon, raisins and walnuts for bfast, homemade mushroom and zuchinni pasta for lunch and a veggie frittata for dinner...snacks: almonds and raisins, or carrots and natural PB or cut up cantaloupe or an apple.

Day 1 Updated...ended up eating the almonds and an apple for afternoon snack, added diced potatoes tossed with salt, pepper and olive oil as a side dish to the frittata and had a serving of Post Spoon Size Wheat 'n Bran and almond milk after the workout.

Baked banana bread and made applesauce while preparing dinner...

Day 2 of The Real Food Challenge...again step away from the Diet Pop and oh, avoid the overwhelming amounts of junk at work again today! Today's plan: homemade banana bread and grapes for bfast, veggie sandwich for lunch (tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, avacado spread and cheese on whole wheat), and probably 4-bean chili for dinner, snacks: natural PB and carrots or almonds and raisins.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Happy Healthy Me to blogging! Not new to the weight loss journey... My goal is to lose between 50-60 pounds, but for me this journey is not about the numbers! I am working towards a happier, healthier me! I find myself often saying to others, I am happy, but... I'm trying to conquer that BUT, figuratively and literally:) I am a mom of three happy, healthy boys (16, 9, and 6) and share custody with my exhusband (no loss there, it was a mutual decision) and a teacher with the best job in the whole world! I spend everyday teaching science, math and computers to 5th and 6th graders! I even get to fly the space shuttle, well, a simulator anyway! I love my life and yet I find myself doubting and questioning my own happiness! I know I touch so many lives, but I feel so worthless sometimes. This journey is about more than my weight! It's so much bigger than a number...and yet that number is so important to me! How do I set aside the doubt? The fear? I have the knowledge, the tools and the support, so what's holding me back? What's stopping me from loving me? What's keeping me from my happy healthy me? I don't have all the answers! In fact, right now I don't even have some of the answers! But I'll keep seeking, I'll keep learning, I'll keep trying... Someday...happy healthy me will raise her arms in the arm and say, "I did it!" Today...I start my journey!